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Casting Plaster 500g - Geek Gaming Scenics

Casting Plaster 500g - Geek Gaming Scenics

Regular price £2.99
RRP Price £2.99
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A bag of casting plaster by Geek Gaming Scenics for your hobby and creative needs with a good reproduction of fine detail for your decorative plaster work.

This plaster has an initial setting time of approximately 20 minutes and is best to be stored away from dampness as absorption of moisture can result in a reduction to the set strength and lengthen the setting time.

Approximately 500g

Shelf life 9 months

Chemical Composition: CaSO4 .1/2 H2O
Chemical Name: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate
Plaster to Water Ratio (by weight) 1.43:1
Water to plaster ratio ( by weight) 70%
Plaster to water mix ratio (by weight) 100/70

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