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Bugbear Butcher 39/44 (Pre-Painted Miniature)

Bugbear Butcher 39/44 (Pre-Painted Miniature)

Regular price £4.99
RRP Price £4.99
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This deadly looking Bugbear Butcher miniature is a great addition to any GM's miniature collection, whether you're looking for a brutish tank to be the focal point of a combat encounter or a larger bugbear to serve as the leader of a band this miniature is just the ticket. a part of the Legendary Adventures booster range, this mini is pre painted and ready for the tabletop.

Size - Medium.

Rarity - Rare.

Figure 39 of 44 in the set. Figure will be supplied in a zip seal bag.

Take a look HERE for a full 8 block booster brick and HERE for a Booster pack.