Day 100! Mrs MLG Attempting To Paint A Mini A Day

Day 100! I really did not think that I would get this far, I really did not think that I would manage a month and honestly never thought I would get to paint day 100 still managing to paint a mini a day.

Today also seems to be a day of 100 as we have hit 100 followers on our Twitch channel as well I have been painting while Mr streams which is helping me to get time to paint my miniature of the day but also means it is normally dark before I even start. 

So far I have painted a huge variety of miniatures but it would seem mainly Reaper miniatures, I do like Reaper and find that their range is so large I can always find something to paint and also they are a great price range. As I do not play any games I only really paint miniatures that I like the look of so in some ways I have more of a free range across all manufacturers really than someone who is playing 40k for example so has to stick to Games Workshop products, also I am not sure that I could manage to paint a whole army so I am happy just plodding along painting the odd things I paint that do not really fit together. 

I have been trying to paint things that can be used by Mr as I do like to think that I am painting things for a reason and not just 'wasting' money, even though as a hobby painting miniatures for pleasure is not really wasting but I would like to see them put to some use, hope you see what I mean, so I have been trying to do things that can be used in dungeons for the gaming tables or for Mr MLG Frostgrave campaign at least.

Reaper Miniatures sealed sarcophagus

I have also been using the Reaper Challenge League as inspiration (like todays sealed sarcophagus as an RCL new release entry) because I still have not been organised enough to plan ahead in any way at all, so I leave the decision on what mini I am going to paint to the actual day I am painting it which really is not a good system. 

The most important thing though I think is that I am still enjoying it, I do hope that I am improving but I am not sure on that point. 

I hope you are enjoying my journey, you can follow my painting journey and see all the minis on our social media channels. 

Remember to make time to hobby.

Mrs MLG 

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