Charles The Giant Capybara code FAF002 by Bad Squiddo Games. An image of a painted miniature of a capybara mamal

Bad Squiddo

Charles The Giant Capybara - FAF002 - Bad Squiddo Games

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A giant capybara for your gaming table or as a gift for a capybara fan. This miniature stands at 28mm from the bottom of the foot to the top of the ear, designed larger than life size so you can use him as transport in your RPGs (the human and bear miniature shown are for scale reference only and not included). Charles will look great on your gaming table. 

Sculpted by Jo Brumby

Painted by Andrew Taylor

Pack of 1 resin miniature 28mm scale miniatures

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All miniatures are supplied unpainted and may require assembly. Any painted examples, scenery bases or scenery are for information only. 

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