Drunken Sailor - Board Game


Drunken Sailor - Board Game

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£22.00 £24.99 rrp

The party game of deceit drawing and risque sales stories.

Concealer it’s about the tales from the sea that rowdy group of sales have experience together then memories are a bit foggy due to the harsh conditions at sea and unsure.

To jog their memory, The sailors take turns collectively drawing an object from last night’s adventure. The drunken sailor, who remembers nothing, has no idea what is being drawn but plays along in order to keep their identity a secret.

, The sailors take turns collectively drawing an object from last night‘s adventure. The drunken sailor, who remembers nothing, has no idea what is being drawn but plays along in order to keep their identity a secret.

 Be careful, though! If the sale of drawers too much of the object, It may tip of the drunken sailor. Then again, if the sale of drawers too little, it may lead others to think that they are the drunken sailor,  It may tip off the drunken sailor. Then again, if the sale of drawers too little, it may lead others to think that they are the drunken sailor.After two rounds, the voting begins full exclamation the sailors win if they can correctly identify the drunken sailor. The drunken sailor wins if they can stay hidden – I’ll figure out what the object is that everyone is drawing.

  • Ages 16+
  • 3 to 8 players
  • Play time 20 minutes 


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