Leaf Punch - Dark Green - Green Stuff World 1311

Green Stuff World

Leaf Punch - Dark Green - Green Stuff World 1311

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Leaf Punch - Dark Green - this punch makes 3 different types of lime leaves

This Leaf Punch creates miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:30, 1:22, and 1:16 (54mm, 70mm, and 120mm) using various types of paper, leaves and other materials.

This tool will make 3 different types of lime leaves.

It is  recommended to use dried leaves in different colours. Natural leaves need to be treated to keep the colours. 




1. Search for fallen natural leaves in the park next to your house.

2. Let the leaves be dried, inside a book, to keep the colours.

3. Punch the natural leaves.

4. Use PVA glue to fix the leaves to your diorama.

The blade can be sharpened by punching through aluminium foil or lubricated by punching through waxed paper. 


See other Green Stuff World scenic products HERE 


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